Monday, August 30, 2010

Typical Situation

Today was the first day of the new fall semester here at Utah State University.

::Thoughts of the day::

Too cold here.
Too many freshman.
I love my friends, old and new.
Class is class.
Rain sucks.

So to look around on the first day of school goes a little something like this.

-The typical freshman girl-
+ White shorts, bright colored V-neck t-shirt, big hair, ballet flats.

-The typical freshman boy-
+ Cargo shorts, pink Hollister polo: collar popped: white Kswiss tennis shoes.

Basically I hate to even think that I was ever a freshman. Now that I am a //JUNIOR// in college and look down on the freshman in some aspects of life, I don't like the thought of me being one back in the day. Well.... we live, we learn, and then we get love.

Happy First Day of School.


Shannon June Ballard said...

Barf! Freshmen are invading. haha sadly I am wearing the exact thing right now as your view of the typical freshmen girl haha.

. said...

those descriptions of freshies.. so accurate its unbelievable.
you are fantastic.

Kirsten Rappleye said...

I experienced my first FG (or Freshman Grudge) too! Hmmm... can we ship them all to Snow College? That okay?
Also, I love you. And this post. So much.