For all of those wanting to know the engagement story and how it all went down... here it goes!
--Nick and my mother have been plotting this for a little while now and I had NO CLUE. My mom is coming out to Utah on October 19 and Nick kept telling me that he just didn't feel right about asking me before she came out so they could "formally" talk... and I completely believed him.. I mean why wouldn't I???
Last weekend Nick had a work convention in Las Vegas and came home telling me about this class that was taught at their convention on making a time capsule and that he thought we should do it. So the whole week I gathered odds and ends that reminded me of the love of my life and brought it all to Bountiful so we could bury the time capsule. We decided that we would bury it up on the side of the mountain that overlooks the temple because it is a special place to Nick.
He then told me that we were to attend a wedding reception last night for a girl that works with him. So I put on a dress and some sandals all ready for the reception. He told me that we would go to the reception and then head to the mountain (so I figured I could change clothes that were suitable for hiking up a mountain)::: not so much the case:::
Nick, being the sly man he is, goes to the mountain and says "Let's do the time capsule first because I want you to see the view from up there at sunset and if we go to the reception first we will miss the sunset!" I was a titch upset at this thought because... HELLO... I'm wearing a dress!!! So we gather all of our time capsule items and Nick also brought his guitar. (odd...?? I wasn't really sure but he said he wanted to sing a song for one of his items.. ok I believe that!)
As we are hiking up the mountain, Nick decided to bust out the video camera that we were going to put in the capsule and film me griping the whole way up and being a total brat about sweating and hiking in a dress.. :::so cute of me I know:::
We get to the spot and go back and forth showing and telling about the items we chose all on the video camera. I show my last one and so does Nick and then he says " Ok, now I will play my song for you! I hope you know this song...." Well I didn't know the song.. haha. The song was called "Question" by the Old 97's. The chorus says, "Someday someone will ask you a question that you should say 'yes' to..." He then asked me if what that meant to me.. and I responded in a bratty way by saying " What... like maybe you should ask me a question sometime and I will say yes!!"
Still completely oblivious at what is going on, Nick says "When should I ask you that question??" I say, in a joking matter, "Oh maybe like tomorrow or something..."
Then he reaches in his backpack, pulls out a ring box, gets on one knee, and asked me to marry him. It was honestly 100% the most perfect proposal I could have ever imagined. I was completely shocked, because I thought it would be at least 3 more weeks until we were engaged. And it was truly one of the only times in my life that I have ever been surprised! (which I LOVE!)--
Words cannot express how happy I am to be marrying my best friend. We are getting married on June 2,2012 in the Bountiful Utah temple. I simply cannot wait!